
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Brody's Santa List

Santa will be visiting our house ( we hope) in just 4 days, yay. I can't wait. I am like a kid waiting for Christmas since I have had Brody. I get so excited to make it so magical for him and to make it just perfect. This is the 1st year though that he is really into it and believes and realizes who Santa is and what is going on, so I just can't wait!!! He LOVES Santa, he has saw him and sat on his lap 4 different times, I think. Each time his Wish list is pretty much the same. He asks Santa for the same thing but to Momma and everyone else he asks for other things. Here is the thing he has asked Santa for each and every time......
A Train Table! I sure hope Santa remembers and brings this sweet boy a train table!!!!

There are all kinds of other things he has taken interest in and asked for such as Rescue Hero's, A Bat cave, Hot Rod's, a scooter and some other things but a train table was #1 on his Santa List!

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