
Monday, June 15, 2009

Dr. Check-up, Carrots, and Packing things away

So we started our morning out by heading to the DR. Office to get our final check-up from being sick and having RSV. Brody checked out great and the Dr said he sounded clear and everything looked good, yay for getting better!! Brody weighed 17.5 lbs today. I thought he looked so cute in his outfit today so I tried to snap a picture real quick at the Dr. Office.
We had carrots again today for lunch and of course Brody just loved them. It is so cute because after he has had a bite he just starts throwing his hands up and laughing and smiling!

Brody loves his toys, he has found such interest in them. Especially putting them in his mouth, he has this one little toy his Aunt Lindsey got him that is just the perfect size for him to hold and stick in his mouth, and he loves it ( as you can see.)

Brody has SO many clothes, so many. His drawers were all becoming so full and un-organized and so was his closet, I finally realized I needed to go through his things and finally pack away all of the his preemie (yes this big boy wore preemie clothes at first for about a month) his newborn, and his 0-3 month clothing. It was bittersweet doing this. I am so blessed and happy to have this beautiful, healthy, growing baby boy but yet I miss him being so tiny. He has grown so fast and it just seems like he was that tiny baby yesterday. We now have more room in our closet and drawers and were back to being organized and the baby clothes are stored in the our basement. Just another step in our lifes.....



LOOK AT HIM!! :))) i cant wait to see his precious little face tomorrow

Jessica said...

It is hard to pack up those old clothes, isn't it? I am so glad to hear that he is all better now!! yay! Has he tried any other foods yet or just carrots so far?

Abby said...

Love his whale outfit...I think we have that paci too!

Your new blog template is darling. Who did the designing?

Suz said...

Glad he is doing much better!! I love his lil outfit and that round lil belly!!! :)

Unknown said...

Love the whale outfit! Too cute! Our Dr. told us no solids other than cereal until 6 months : ( Hopefully she'll take to it as easy as Brody.