My sweet sweet baby boy..... Isn't he just precious? I sure do think so. As you all know I nurse Brody and were still going strong. Brody wouldn't ever take a bottle of pumped milk, and wouldn't take any juice out of a bottle until almost 6 months. He still doesn't always like it but will take juice now. So anyways.. Brody has 2 bottom teeth now and he is really learning how to use them if you know what I mean, he is biting the heck out of me!!!!! He has done it a few times before but never too bad but here lately it is bad and it hurts!! I am not giving up though, but you Mommas out there that nurse ever had this problem? How did it get better or did it?? I decided before Brody was born I wanted to nurse him for at least a year ( when I will start nursing program) so how do you wean them when they are this old? I may do it a little earlier with the biting and all? I have tried giving him formula in a bottle, are you kidding me? Like I ever thought that could work!!! Please give me some tips and tricks for weaning now or weaning when he is a year which isn't too far away!!!!!!
When my oldest would bite me, I would unlatch her for a minute. She made the connection that mommy takes away the food when I bite. The other two never bit me like she did.
I have decided to start weaning this week. He has been biting me a little too but he doesn't even have teeth yet and it hurts! I can't imagine when he does get them. He has been less interested lately too. He hasn't been drinking much all day at school either. I wonder if it is the solids? Anyway, i have decreased to pumping once a day while at work and still breastfeeding him at night before bedtime. I'm sad, but I'm suprised I made it this far. Good Luck!
Yikes! I am not looking forward to the biting stage! I've always joked, the first time she bites, we're done! haha.. If you find out ways to get him not to, please share! :)
What a precious picture of Brody!!! He is SO cute! Sorry... no tips on the weaning/biting issue... breast feeding went very bad for us at 3 months, so I sadly had to stop. But ouch...I can't imagine the biting!!!
I nursed my first two for 7 months and the last one for 10 months. The first two were ok with switching to formula, but the last one would gag on it so he went right to cow's milk which was BAD! He ended up being lactose intolerant so we had to buy Lactaid milk for him. I think he is over that now, though.
Anyway, my cousin has SEVEN kids and nursed them all for a year so none of them had bottles, went right to drinking from cups. I asked her about the biting and she said that she would "scare" them a bit by yelling "NO" and quickly pulling them away. She told me they would only do it once or twice before they learned. She's an AWESOME mom so I thought that was a great solution.
You are doing great to be nursing him this long. With my 4th, I plan to nurse for a full year. Wish me luck!
just stumbled across you blog!
Brody is SUCH a cutie :)
I dont have any advice for you on the whole weaning thing...nursing didn't work out for us :(
i have just stopped breastfeeding and it was sort of a challenge at first. Granted, my little boy is only three months, but he was not too fond of formula either. We tried a few different kinds and he really likes Enfamil, but hates similac. We also had to try a few different nipple brands. I have heard a lot that the mother should not feed the baby a bottle b.c the baby will want the mom-not the bottle. This makes a lot of sense, but my son was really used to me feeding him exclusively so it worked best for me to feed him a bottle and hold him in the same position as i did when brstfeeding. hope this helps! (ps i really enjoy reading your blog!!)
I wish that I had some pointers and advice to give but my stubborn baby (and self I guess too) wasn't able to nurse because of her being early. I tried so darn hard, lol. I guess there is always next baby if there ever is one.
I was just wondering if you had emailed me your info to send this out with. My email messes up sometimes and sends emails into my spam so I was just wanting to check. No hurry or anything! Hope ya'll are having a great week!
My first baby was NEVER a biter, but my 8 month old is becoming one too! He has two bottom teeth and bites my shoulder when I hold him. I don't know WHAT to do!
Ouch! I know that hurts bad! Riley only bit me a couple times, but it is no fun! Have you ever used Lansinoh Breast Creme? If not, I HIGHLY recommend it. It helps the pain big time & it's safe to still breastfeed after you have used it. Seriously, it's wonderful. As far as the weaning goes, I don't really have any advice on that b/c Riley just kinda weaned himself. My mom keeps him when I work so she would give him a bottle & we just kept giving him more & more bottles even when I was there. He did really well with it, but he never had a problem taking a bottle so I don't really know what to tell you to do!
That picture is so sweet! Did you take it or have someone take them?
Girl, Mialyn only nursed for like almost 3 months and she HATED the bottle! Screamed cried threw MAJOR fits!!!! It even made me cry. It's super hard! I have no other tips but to just keep trying. Dr. Hudson told me that if she wouldn't take it...stop the boob all together and when she got hungry she would eat. It worked.
I nursed Brooklynn until 11.5 months (I quit when she lost interest). She only bit me one time, and I screamed "No" and pulled away. I think someone already suggested that, but it DID work! :) Good luck!
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