
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

TAM tag

Meant to be a Mom has tagged me with TAM ( True Authentic Mom)! You are supposed to write 5 things that make you a TAM!!
Go check out her blog, she is a super cut new mom with an adorable little baby boy!!!

What makes me a TAM!

1. Brody is first. No matter what. It doesn't matter if I haven't had a shower, brushed my teeth, or even dressed for the day anymore. All that really matters is that My baby boy has been taken care of and his needs have been met, he is first it's not about just me anymore.

2. Speaking of that...... Sometimes to get a shower/bath and get ready for the day it involves me hopping in the bath with Brody or if I get in the shower for about 2 minutes he stands right outside it getting tangled in the shower curtains trying to get in and sometimes he does. You have to do what works. But I know how to do it. I never thought I could do all the things I do with a baby on my hip.

3. My diaper Bag. It is packed full. I think I bring everything but the kitchen sink. It is heavy. A 20lb diaper bag and a 22 lb baby boy, where are my muscles. I always have plenty of diapers, wipes, clothes, bibs, burp cloths, lotion, powder, pacis, toys, snack bowls, mum mums, baby food, spoon, juice, sippy cup/bottle, thermometer, nose sucker, anti-bacterial sanitizer, place mat, changing pad, anything else?????!?!?

4. Our Bedtime routine. I love this. Brody loves it. It's a sweet special time. I give Brody a bath, which he loves. We play with toys, I sing him songs, we laugh a lot together at this time. Then after the tub we go to his room where I turn on some music and we lotion and powder up and I let him play in his room while I sing him songs and then we read some backs. Then we go back to my bed when he nurses and I rub his little forehead while he holds a finger and falls asleep.

5. Playing. I love to play with Brody, he is so much fun especially in this stage he is in. I love to just get on the floor with him and who knows what we get into. Sometimes its the toys, sometimes it pots and pans, and here lately it has been the Christmas tree, whoops!!

I now tag 5 people with the TAM!!




The Dorns:


1 comment:

Meant to be a mom said...

You are such a great mom. I love that your diaper bag is about to explode like mine is.